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These guides cover marimo's core concepts.

Learn by doing!

Prefer a hands-on learning experience? marimo comes packaged with interactive tutorials that you can launch with marimo tutorial at the command line.

Guide Description
Running cells Understanding how marimo runs cells
Interactive elements Using interactive UI elements
Visualizing outputs Creating markdown, plots, and other visual outputs
Migrating from Jupyter Tips for transitioning from Jupyter
Expensive notebooks Tips for working with expensive notebooks
Working with data Using SQL cells, no-code dataframe, and reactive plots
Package reproducibility Making notebooks reproducible down to the packages
Editor features View variables, dataframe schemas, docstrings, and more
Using your own editor Edit notebooks in your own editor and stream changes back to the browser
Apps Running notebooks as apps
Scripts Running notebooks as scripts
Tests Running unit tests in notebooks
Export notebooks Exporting notebooks to HTML, ipynb, flat scripts, and more
Publish to the web Edit and publish notebooks on the web
Run notebooks with WebAssembly Create notebooks in our online playground
Deploying Deploying marimo notebooks and apps
Configuration Configure various settings
Coming from other tools Transitioning from Jupyter and other tools
Extending marimo Rich displays of objects, custom UI plugins
State management Advanced: mutable reactive state
Best practices Best practices to help you get the most out of marimo
Troubleshooting Troubleshooting notebooks