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You can deploy marimo in three ways:

  1. via an edit server, which allows you to create and edit notebooks. On the CLI, this is launched with marimo edit, and is similar to jupyter notebook.
  2. via a run server, which allows you serve marimo notebooks as read-only web apps. On the CLI, this is launched with marimo run
  3. programmatically, which allows you serve read-only marimo apps as part of other ASGI applications, for example using FastAPI.

Sharing lightweight notebooks on the web

To share notebooks on the public web, try using our online playground. Our playground runs entirely in the browser -- no backend required, via WASM.

Or, to share notebooks with email-based authorization, you can also try our free community cloud, which is also powered by WASM.

WASM notebooks support most but not all Python features and packages.

Deploying an edit server

Here are a few ways to deploy an edit server on a remote instance:

  1. With ssh-port forwarding, using marimo edit --headless.
  2. Via docker and our prebuilt containers.
  3. Via a deployment service such as Railway.
  4. Behind JupyterHub.

Deploying as read-only apps

These guides help you deploy marimo notebooks as read-only apps.

programmatically Programmatically run and customize read-only marimo apps
deploying_docker Deploy with Docker
authentication Authentication and security
deploying_public_gallery Deploy to our public gallery
deploying_hugging_face Deploy to Hugging Face
deploying_ploomber Deploy to Ploomber Cloud

Health and status endpoints

The following endpoints may be useful when deploying your application:

  • /health - A health check endpoint that returns a 200 status code if the application is running as expected
  • /healthz - Same as above, just a different name for easier integration with cloud providers
  • /api/status - A status endpoint that returns a JSON object with the status of the server


If you would like to deploy your application at a subpath, you can set the --base-url flag when running your application.

marimo run --base-url /subpath

Including code in your application

You can include code in your application by using the --include-code flag when running your application.

marimo run --include-code