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Online playground

Our online playground lets you create and share marimo notebooks for free, without creating an account.

Playground notebooks are great for embedding in other web pages — all the embedded notebooks in marimo's own docs are playground notebooks. They are also great for sharing via links.

Try our playground! Just navigate to

WebAssembly notebooks only

Currently, the online playground only allows the creation of WebAssembly notebooks. These are easy to share and embed in other web pages, but have some limitations in packages and performance.

The notebook embedded below is a playground notebook!

Creating and sharing playground notebooks

Playground notebooks run at

New notebooks

To create a new playground notebook, visit

Think of as a scratchpad for experimenting with code, data, and models and for prototyping tools, available to you at all times and on all devices.

Saving playground notebooks

When you save a WASM notebook, a copy of your code is saved to your web browser's local storage. When you return to, the last notebook you worked on will be re-opened. You can also click a button to save your notebook to the Community Cloud.

At, save your notebook and then click the Create permalink button to generate a shareable permalink to your notebook.

Please be aware that marimo permalinks are publicly accessible.

Open notebooks hosted on GitHub

To open notebooks hosted on GitHub in the playground, just navigate to For example:

Use our bookmarklet!

For a convenient way to create notebooks from GitHub, drag and drop the following button to your bookmarks bar:

Open in marimo

Clicking the bookmark when you are viewing a notebook will open it in

From Jupyter notebooks

You can also create Playground notebooks from Jupyter notebooks hosted on GitHub. marimo will attempt to automatically convert the notebook to a marimo notebook.

Including data files

Notebooks created from GitHub links have the entire contents of the repository mounted into the notebook's filesystem. This lets you work with files using regular Python file I/O!

When constructing paths to data files, make sure to use mo.notebook_dir() to ensure that paths work both locally and in the playground.


Navigate to

and open the file explorer panel to see all the files available to the notebook.

Open in marimo badge

Include an "open in marimo" badge in your README to link to playground notebooks hosted on GitHub:

Open with marimo

Replace GITHUB_URL with the URL to a notebook on GitHub.

[![Open with marimo](](

Replace GITHUB_URL with the URL to a notebook on GitHub.

<a href="" target="_blank">
    <img alt="Open in marimo" src="" />

Creating playground notebooks from local notebooks

In the marimo editor's notebook action menu, use Share > Create WebAssembly link to get a URL representing your notebook:

WASM notebooks come with common Python packages installed, but you may need to install additional packages using micropip.

The obtained URL encodes your notebook code as a parameter, so it can be quite long. If you want a URL that's easier to share, you can create a shareable permalink.


Your URLs can be configured using the following parameters.

Read-only mode

To view a notebook in read-only mode, with code cells locked, append &mode=read to your URL's list of query parameters (or ?mode=read if your URL doesn't have a query string).



Hide header for embedding

To hide the header, append &embed=true to your URL's list of query parameters (or ?embed=true if your URL doesn't have a query string).



See the section on embedding for examples of how to embed marimo notebooks in your own webpages.

Excluding code

By default, WASM notebooks expose your Python code to viewers. If you've enabled read-only mode, you can exclude code with &include-code=false. If you want to include code but have it be hidden by default, use the parameter &show-code=false.

A sufficiently determined user would still be able to obtain your code, so don't think of this as a security feature; instead, think of it as an aesthetic or practical choice.

Embedding in other web pages

WASM notebooks can be embedded into other webpages using the HTML <iframe> tag.

Embedding a blank notebook

Use the following snippet to embed a blank marimo notebook into your web page, providing your users with an interactive code playground.

Showing editor controls

To show editor controls (such as panels icons and the run button), use the query parameter show-chrome=true

Embedding an existing notebook

To embed existing marimo notebooks into a webpage, first, obtain a URL to your notebook, then put it in an iframe.


Embedding an existing notebook in read-only mode

You can optionally render embedded notebooks in read-only mode by appending &mode=read to your URL.


Embedding from code

You can also embed marimo notebook from its string representation (i.e., the notebook file's code), using the code query parameter:<encoded-uri-component>

where <encoded-uri-component> is the notebook code URI encoded. For example, in JavaScript:


Using lz compression for large notebooks

When using the code query parameter, your notebooks must be no greater than 14 KB. For large notebooks, supports lz-compressed notebook code with a URL hash. For example, in JavaScript, you can use the lz-string package:

import { compressToEncodedURIComponent } from "lz-string";

const url = `${compressToEncodedURIComponent(code)}`


For example, if you are using MDX, you can use the following snippet:

const MdxNotebook = (props: { code: string }) => {
  return (
    <iframe src={`${encodeURIComponent(props.code)}`} />

<MdxNotebook code={`
import marimo

app = marimo.App()

def _():
    import marimo as mo"Hello, world!")

def _():
`} />