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Language Server Protocol (LSP)

Experimental Feature

LSP support in marimo is currently an experimental feature. It may have bugs or performance issues. To enable it add the following to your pyproject.toml file:

lsp = true

The marimo editor supports the Language Server Protocol (LSP) to provide enhanced code intelligence features like:

  • Code completion
  • Hover information
  • Go to definition
  • Error checking and diagnostics


LSP support requires additional dependencies. You can install them with:

pip install "marimo[lsp]"
# or
uv add marimo[lsp]
# or
conda install -c conda-forge python-lsp-server python-lsp-ruff

This will install the necessary packages including:

  • python-lsp-server: The core Python language server
  • python-lsp-ruff: Ruff integration for fast linting

You may optionally install other pylsp plugins.

Other Python Language Servers

Support for other Python language servers is planned for future releases.


LSP support can be configured in your pyproject.toml file.

lsp = true
# Language server configuration
enabled = true               # Enable/disable the Python language server
enable_mypy = true           # Type checking with mypy (enabled by default, if installed)
enable_ruff = true           # Linting with ruff (enabled by default, if installed)
enable_flake8 = false        # Linting with flake8
enable_pydocstyle = false    # Check docstring style
enable_pylint = false        # Linting with pylint
enable_pyflakes = false      # Syntax checking with pyflakes

# Diagnostics configuration
enabled = true               # Show diagnostics in the editor


Language Servers are not available when running marimo in WebAssembly.


If you encounter issues with the language server:

  1. Make sure you've installed the required dependencies with pip install "marimo[lsp]"
  2. Check if the language server is enabled in your configuration
  3. Try restarting the marimo server
  4. Check the terminal for any error messages